For a company that actively worked to cut its workforce and managed very well the last few years, it is certainly disruptive to that path to hire 6000 employees. But thats one result of the latest in a line of larger deals Ericsson has made. Ericsson has signed an agreement with Sprint to take over the daily responsibility for the design and operation, activation of services, and maintenance of the Sprint-owned CDMA-and idea-networks and the fixed network. What was originally a Swedish-owned Ericsson will also optimize the U.S. Sprint's assets from multiple vendors and provide processes and tools to manage the national online platforms and operational support system. The deal means that around 6000 Sprint Employees will become Ericsson employees at Ericsson Services in Kansas, in the third quarter of this year. Read Ericssons press release
This event comes soon after the recent deal in China, where Ericsson has signed an agreement with Chinese operators worth a total of 1.7 billion dollars, corresponding to approximately SEK 13.6 billion. In this way Ericsson is linking together one world economic power with the other within their company.
I also want to fit in and remind you that Eniro is still larger than with more than 5.3 million visits in against closely at exactly 5.2 million visits. (5 368 450 / 5 200 199). I wonder if there will be no faith or parcel of Eniro will succeed with their online venture. It is no easy challenge they face to convert offline to online, while maintaining profitability, but it's an organization with strong sales and they have managed to renew their activities sooner.
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